Frequently asked questions


A few common questions.

Why does my business interruption insurance not cover me for pandemics?
Why does my insurer not issue a ‘Public Liability certificate?
What types of business insurance are required by law in the UK?
What can professional indemnity insurance cover?
What's the difference between public liability and professional indemnity?
Public liability or Professional Indemnity?
I have terminal cancer, can I still get Travel Insurance?
Will my travel insurance cover me if I fall ill before travel?
I am going travelling for a year, am I able to get travel insurance cover for this?
Are cruises automatically covered in travel insurance policies?
Are winter sports automatically covered in travel insurance policies?
I am going on holiday with my friend, can we take out a joint Single Trip policy?
I have an annual travel insurance policy to cover all of my family, are we covered for travelling separately?
Who can open a Junior ISA and how much can be invested?
Can I inherit my husband’s/wife’s ISA?
Are withdrawals from a Stocks and Shares ISA limited?
Can I have a cash ISA & Stocks & Shares ISA?
How much can I save into an ISA?
Who can benefit from my pension on death?
Are withdrawals from my pension limited?
I am not currently employed and have no earnings, can I contribute to a pension?
I’ve started to take an income from my pension can I still make contributions?
How much can I pay into my Pension?
When can I access my pension?
Should I downsize my house now that the children have all left home?
Should I have a will?
What is the difference between Financial Planning and Independent Financial Advice?
What is the purpose of your Initial Meeting?
Why charge fees? I didn’t used to pay directly in the past…
Can I afford to live on a state pension?
Should I invest my money or leave it in a savings account?
What protection do I have?
What are the benefits of Independent Financial Advice?
Are You Approved By the FCA?

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