Make your money work harder.
Using your annual ISA allowance for a stocks and shares ISA is a good starting point. There are other tax efficient investments that may suit your objectives including Investment Bonds, EIS, VCT or General Investments.
Common things are common, and most people are suited to investing in a sensible and diverse portfolio of Unit Trusts, Investment Trusts and OEICs appropriately mixed with other asset classes including fixed interest securities, property and commodities.
If this sounds complicated, then let us explain the details and worry about the best solution for you.
When we work hard and build up some savings there is normally something exciting or necessary that we want to spend them on, an objective. This could range from a new kitchen, world cruise, or even the deposit for a new house. Or, if you are happy with your current lifestyle, perhaps you require help planning for school or university fees or eventually that early retirement or opportunity to work part time.
We will recommend the best product with the most effective underlying investment and utilise all of your tax considerations to maximise growth or income potential. Of course, it is always important to keep some cash for a rainy day, we will never recommend that you invest every single penny.